Friday, May 29, 2015

Keeping it in the Family


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"If we were meant to stay in one place, we'd have roots instead of feet." - Rachel Wolchin

Why not have both?  Roots & feet, just take the roots with you wherever you go!  The one thing I love about my home is in every room there is something passed down, from both sides of the family, whether it is a picture, china, or a piece of furniture.  I have a part of my family present no matter where I am in my house.  I believe that the mix and match of furniture and styles are what make a house a home.  There have been PLENTY of times when a family member has asked if I needed decor and I responded yes, without even having a plan on where to place it (... a lot of times).  I'm really good with responding with "I'll find a spot for it!".  My mother always underestimates me... but I am my aunt's niece in this aspect! 

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"Home is not a place, it is a feeling" - 

You always want to have a peaceful feeling when you walk through the doors of your house.  The stories behind the pieces make great conversation starters.  Move them to different rooms in the house every once and awhile to get a new look/feel for the space.  The trunk pictured above was my great grandfather's that he got back in the 1890's. It is one of my favorite pieces in my house and is always a topic of conversation.  Can you imagine all the stories behind the trunk?  You can't find that in any store... 

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"Some look for a beautiful place, others create a beautiful place." - 

Don't over think it, just let your imagination go!  When these wooden boxes were given to me it sparked my interest to see what other wooden boxes I could find.  It was my new mission!  Every flea market or antique store I browsed, my eyes were always open for a good find!   I challenge you to find your new collectible in something around your house.  It's not what we have in life, but who we have in our life that matters.  Although my family isn't physically present everyday, everyday I feel like they are with me through the pieces in my home.   So, the next time a family member says "Do you want this?", the answer is YES.  I have faith that you can find the perfect spot for it!

... choose happy...  

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