New Year's.
* * * is waking up an hour early to live an hour more...
You gotta start thinking about them at some point, right?
In all honesty, I can't tell you the last time I stayed true to a resolution. The whole, losing weight, eating healthier, staying in touch, blah blah blah, goes out the window come February (every lady wants to look good for Valentine's Day, duh).
This past year has been one for the books. I've been my happiest & my saddest. I've met fabulous new friends & I've had to give up on some. I started a blog! I've gotten my heart broken & I've bounced back. I've learned who I am and who I want to be; where I want to go in life. I moved into a fabulous new house. I'm wrapping up year 5 working with my company. I've realized that I have some pretty amazing people in my life. And my dogs rock.
All the above really do make me want to have more time in my life. So, I'm starting my resolution early & waking up an hour early to live an hour more.
Wake up and be awesome.
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Resolution #2
$1000, yes please!
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An extra $1000, hell yeah! Tax free too. This will be another mission for me in 2016. Each Monday (because my Mother always says don't do business or pay bills on Sunday) I will throw the dedicated amount into the stash. If you make it part of your routine, it should be a breeze!
Resolution #3
My plus one?
Still waiting on prince charming.
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I'm at that age where there always seems to be something happening where I get a "plus one" & who wants to go to these things alone? Exactly. Not me. However, this year I found that searching for my plus one is NOT the way to go. In 2016 I will have trust. I trust that God will introduce me to my plus one that is suppose to be there. & when I have my doubts, I will go back to "place your heart in the hands of God and he will place it in the hands of a man who he believes deserves it".
I know, I get it. It is tough when your friends say, "he is out there somewhere", and all you want to say is "where the hell is he?" Keep your heads up ladies, stop comparing other's "fairy tales" to your nonexistent one. Stop reading the sappy love quotes, & have faith.
And while you're waiting, be selfish.
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Thank you Dalai Lama!
Where to?! Ahhh, the possibilities!
I mean, there was Christmas music at Halloween, so one month isn't too early to think about these resolutions for 2016!
Cheers my friends!